

    Awareness Posters & Ribbons

    PTSD Awareness Ribbon
    PTSD ribbon
    Based on Teal ribbon by MesserWoland. License

    PTSD Awareness Ribbons
    1. Teal is the color for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder awareness
    2. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month is June
    3. The teal is also used for Sexual Violence, Sexual Assault/Abuse, Dissociative Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, OCD and Ovarian Cancer awareness [1]
    4. There is a PTSD and TBI ribbon, which is yellow and black ribbon. This was designed for military veterans with PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
    5. Teal (Sexual Violence)[1] and Purple (Domestic Violence)[1] are sometimes combined in a purple and teal multicolored ribbon

    I support PTSD awareness month. Teal writing with teal ribbon on white, in black at bottom. Square for use as facebook profile picture.

    Posttraumtic Stress Disorder Awareness Month

    I am fighting PTSD ribbon by
    I am fighting PTSD ribbon
    Based on Teal ribbon by MesserWoland. License
    Complex PTSD Awareness Ribbon by
    Complex PTSD teal ribbon
    Based on Teal ribbon by MesserWoland. License
    Dissociative Disorders ribbon by
    Dissociative Disorders ribbon
    Based on Teal ribbon by MesserWoland. License

    PTSD and TBI Ribbon
    PTSD Awareness Ribbon
    Military PTSD/PTSD and TBI ribbon License
    Ribbons for Troops created the PTSD and TBI ribbon, alternatively called the Military with PTSD ribbon, using the follow colors:
    • yellow the color for supporting the military, a sign of waiting until troops they return home
    • black representing the dark part and unknown future of the troops and their families
    • red is not always used in the ribbon, a red stripe or star represents rage and anger, which are common symptoms of PTSD and brain injury.[3], [4]
    Traumatic Brain Injury is a physical head injury common in veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and a number of symptoms overlap with PTSD. [5]
    PTSD Icons
    All resized from the Teal ribbon by MesserWoland.
    PTSD Awareness Ribbon
    PTSD Awareness Ribbon
    PTSD Awareness Ribbon
    64x64 pixels
    PTSD Awareness Ribbon
    128x128 pixels
    PTSD Awareness Ribbon
    256x256 pixels

    Dissociative Identity Disorder/MPD awareness ribbon
    Dissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Ribbon original from
    Dissociative Identity Disorder awareness ribbon
    Credit: . License.
    This multicolored ribbon was inspired by a patchwork quilt, "a lot of pieces patched together to make something new".[2] It uses the jigsaw analogy found in the Autism Awareness ribbon.

    The DID ribbon's license allows anyone to copy and/or adapt it, as long as the original creator is credited by a link back to[2]

    More about the Dissociative Identity Disorder ribbon:

    Dissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Day
    This originally started as National Multiple Personality Day, held on March 5 each year. In 2015, June 1 was used as an unofficial Dissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Day for the first time. The teal ribbon used for Posttrauatic Stress Disorder is also used for Dissociative Disorders, but a new ribbon was created for Dissociative Identity Disorder in 2008.
    Trauma and Abuse Ribbons
    Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence Awareness Ribbon, purple and teal
    Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence Awareness Ribbon
    Based on Purple ribbon by MesserWoland. License
    Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence Awareness Ribbon, purple and teal
    Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence Awareness Ribbon
    Based on Purple ribbon by MesserWoland. License
    Support male survivors ribbon by
    Support Male Survivors ribbon
    Based on Teal ribbon by MesserWoland. License

    Support male survivors ribbon by
    Support Male Survivors ribbon
    Based on Teal ribbon by MesserWoland. License

    Borderline Personality Disorder
    • May is BPD Awareness month, the ribbon color is gray [1]
    • Childhood abuse is very common in people who develop BPD, around a third also have PTSD [5]
    Gray Borderline Personality Disorder ribbon on white background #BPD #borderline (modified from the gray and teal ribbon by MesserWoland on wikimedia commons)
    Borderline Personality Disorder Ribbon
    Based on Gray ribbon by MesserWoland. License
    Borderline Personality Disorder and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder ribbons intertwined, with those words written on each, on white background (modified from the gray and teal ribbon by MesserWoland on wikimedia commons) #BPD #borderline #PTSD
    BPD and PTSD ribbons
    Based on Teal and ribbons by MesserWoland. License

    Awareness posters
    • PTSD Not all wounds are visible
    • Stigma and prejudice are great time-savers. You can make your mind up about someone without bothering to get to know them #timetotalk fb/TraumaAndDissociation. Bright blue background with white text and white border on the right.
    • PTSD awareness month, not all wounds are visible. #PTSD #PTSDawarenessmonth teal writing with teal ribbon on  white, in black at bottom
    • I support PTSD awareness month. Teal writing with teal ribbon on white, in black at bottom. Square for use as facebook profile picture.
    • May is Mental Health awareness month
    • Trauma and Dissociative Disorders rates in general population from
    • Not all wounds are visible Post-traumatic stress disorder
    • Support survivors of sexual violence - End sexual violence
    • June is PTSD awareness month
    Facebook and google plus covers
    Profile Photos
    These are normally need square images. Recommended profile sizes updated Aug 2015
    Click an image to download the profile picture in the right size.
    • Facebook profile 180x180 (or larger)
      PTSD Awareness Ribbon Facebook profile picture PTSD Awareness Ribbon facebook profile picture with word Complex PTSD Awareness Ribbon Facebook profile picture Dissociative Disorders Awareness Ribbon Facebook profile picture DID Awareness Ribbon Facebook profile picture DID ribbon with dissociative identity facebook profile picture PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury Combat PTSD Ribbon facebook profile picture BPD Awareness Ribbon Facebook profile picture BPD and PTSD Awareness Ribbon Facebook profile picture
    • Google plus profile 250x250 (or larger) & Gravatar avatar (any size)
      PTSD Awareness Ribbon gplus profile gravatar avatar PTSD Awareness Ribbon gplus profile gravatar avatar with word Complex PTSD Awareness Ribbon gplus profile gravatar avatar Dissociative Disorders Awareness Ribbon gplus profile gravatar avatar DID Awareness Ribbon gplus profile, gravatar avatar PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury Combat PTSD Ribbon gplus profile, gravatar avatar
    • Twitter and Linkedin profile 400x400
      PTSD Awareness Ribbon twitter and linkedin profile picture Complex PTSD Awareness Ribbon twitter and linkedin profile picture Dissociative Disorders Awareness Ribbon twitter and linkedin profile picture DID Awareness Ribbon twitter and linkedin profile picture DID Ribbon with Dissociative Identity text for twitter and linkedin profile picture PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury Combat PTSD Ribbon twitter and linkedin profile picture
    • Pinterest profile 600x600 (displayed as 165x165)
      PTSD Awareness Ribbon pinterest profile picture Complex PTSD Awareness Ribbon pinterest profile picture Dissociative Disorders Awareness Ribbon pinterest profile picture DID Awareness Ribbon pinterest profile picture DID Ribbon with Dissociative Identity text for pinterest profile picture PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury Combat PTSD Ribbon pinterest profile picture
    • Youtube profile 800x800
      PTSD Awareness Ribbon youtube profile picture Complex PTSD Awareness Ribbon youtube profile picture I am fighting PTSD Awareness Ribbon youtube profile picture Dissociative Disorders Awareness Ribbon youtube profile picture
    1. Langtree, I. (2016, June 24). Awareness Ribbons Chart: Color & Meaning of Awareness Ribbon Causes. Retrieved July 01, 2016. Disabled World.
    2. Coping In Crazyville, DID MPD Awareness ribbon links and info. Retrieved Aug 23, 2015.
    3. Ribbons for Troops, About Us. Retrieved Aug 23, 2015, from
    4. Military with PTSD facebook page, PTSD and TBI awareness ribbon. Retrieved Aug 23, 2015.
    5. Silver, J. M., McAllister, T. W., & Yudofsky, S. C. (2011). Textbook of traumatic brain injury. American Psychiatric Pub. ISBN 1585629561.
    6. Pagura, J., Stein, M. B., Bolton, J. M., Cox, B. J., Grant, B., & Sareen, J. (2010). Comorbidity of borderline personality disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder in the US population. Journal of psychiatric research, 44(16), 1190-1198. PMID: 4209725.
    Cite this page
    Awareness Ribbons and Posters., Retrieved from .

    This information can be copied or modified for any purpose, including commercially, provided a link back is included. CC BY-SA 4.0