Ribbons for Troops created the PTSD and TBI ribbon, alternatively called the Military with PTSD ribbon, using the follow colors:
yellow the color for supporting the military, a sign of waiting until troops they return home
black representing the dark part and unknown future of the troops and their families
red is not always used in the ribbon, a red stripe or star represents rage and anger, which are common symptoms of PTSD and brain injury.[3], [4]
Traumatic Brain Injury is a physical head injury common in veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and a number of symptoms overlap with PTSD. [5]
This multicolored ribbon was inspired by a patchwork quilt, "a lot of pieces patched together to make something new".[2] It uses the jigsaw analogy found in the Autism Awareness ribbon.
The DID ribbon's license allows anyone to copy and/or adapt it, as long as the original creator is credited by a link back to http://www.copingincrazyville.com.[2]
More about the Dissociative Identity Disorder ribbon:
This originally started as National Multiple Personality Day, held on March 5 each year. In 2015, June 1 was used as an unofficial Dissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Day for the first time. The teal ribbon used for Posttrauatic Stress Disorder is also used for Dissociative Disorders, but a new ribbon was created for Dissociative Identity Disorder in 2008.
Trauma and Abuse Ribbons
Borderline Personality Disorder
May is BPD Awareness month, the ribbon color is gray [1]
Childhood abuse is very common in people who develop BPD, around a third also have PTSD [5]
Awareness posters
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